Morning moon and sunlight. A morning walk lit by the sun and looked upon by the moon is a perfect start to the day. October’s full moon is two days beyond it’s prime full status but the glory of it is not lost in the blue morning sky. Friday’s full moon is also known as the hunter’s moon. Within the realms of tradition this was an ideal time for hunters to stalk their quarry. The animals they hunted were in optimum condition. They were well fed through the summer months and carried enough fat to help them survive the winter months.
Morning moon and sunlight for walk
The sunlight is ideal for a morning dog walk. In the bright mornings, the sunlight warms as it touches, and the moon fills the mind with inspiration and thoughts of wonder. To see the moon appear so close to us is a unusual and intriguing sight, and for some of us, it inspires ideas and lights up the day.
Sunlight and nature’s bounty
Picking wild raspberries throughout August and September is a rewarding autumn activity. The berries were frozen within an hour of picking, and made into jam later in the month. Delicious wild raspberry jam was poured into jam jars and was either stored or given away. The raspberry bushes will be chopped down, ready for winter, and to come back to life next year will a bigger crop.