Morning magic and Unicorns. Don’t we all need a sprinkle of magic in our lives? Uplifting morning light to a glimpse of a wild creature, aren’t they all special moments. Mother Nature knows how to treat our senses and give us a boost with simple pleasures. For me it is always the deer and the light.
Morning magic sightings
It’s all there to enjoy if you open your eyes. November is possibly one of the richest months for colour, changes and wildlife sightings. The garden bird tables are full of activity as birds flit back and forth. Red Squirrels feeders are emptied within hours of them being filled. Over the years, hazel trees have grown in our large planters thanks to Squirrels burying their nuts in them.
Morning magic and Unicorns
Not a typical Unicorn image but it’s a version I like. A roe buck in the middle of shedding his antlers stands upright and alarmed (the fluffed out rear end). This is the time of year for bucks to shed their antlers, and regrow a new set. It’s a time when you have to look hard to note the difference between bucks and does.
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