Nature is a great healer. Most of us feel better when we have spent time outdoors. From a morning dog walk to an afternoon stroll the free goodness from spending time in nature soothes us humans. Nature healing offers therapeutic and restorative benefits when we connect with the outdoors. It isn’t a new idea as it can be traced back centuries, and is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. These days we have modern scientific understanding of how we benefit from connecting with the natural world
Nature is a great healer for others too
Nature is a great healer for humans and animals. Look how happy our canine companions are when they are outdoors. In addition to the exercise, there’s something wonderful for canines getting out to stretch their legs – even if you are lying on your back. If you want to find out how others benefit from spending time outdoors by Linda Mellor – order your copy here.
Feature photo: November sunrise over Loch Rannoch with Schiehallion in the background and Eilean nam Faoileag.