Hello New Year 2023, I am ready is about preparation. 31st December is always a planned quiet day. It’s a time look back at the year that’s almost gone. Perhaps a time to reflect, applaud, learn from and ultimately process so it settles into the past. In doing so, it creates a clean space, and makes me ready and excited for the new year of 2023.
Get ready
Being ready for 2023 is a positive step for me, it means I have something to look forward to. Maybe my mindset is connected to with having a birthday in January. Of course, birthdays are celebrations: days of fun, laughter and indulgence. I have always welcomed in the new year, and felt it is a fresh start to make new plans and be open to new opportunities and inspirations. Additionally, this time of year is ideal for planning quiet activities.
Take charge, it’s your life
Hello New Year 2023, I am ready, means I have taken the time to be in position. I have prepared and it is not by accident. It is by design, my design. Taking charge of your life and ultimately your destiny is something we should all spearhead. Who wants to be blown by the wind or be a rudderless boat on a uncertain current? I want to acknowledge and measure my successes. I wish to learn from my mistakes.
Hello New Year 2023, I am ready!
Hello New Year 2023, I am ready! for you approach helps me plan ahead. Taking this line sends out good vibes. The optimism is wrapped around everything I do. It’s not a day for lots of people contact or distractions. It is all about me. Years ago, that would have been labelled selfish. Not anymore. We need to take care of ourselves and become our priority.