Wildlife evenings in May are a feast for the photographer’s senses. The light is long and beautiful, and nature is active. Who wants to be slumped in front of the TV watching the latest Netflix offering when you could be out. Being outdoors and watching wildlife is the gold star of rewards. There is always something to observe if you are quiet and patient enough.
Wildlife evenings in May and deer
If you have seen my photos or read my published articles you will know of my fascination for deer. My love of deer was triggered by a childhood trip to the cinema in the 1960s to see Bambi. Some 50 years later, my love of deer is as strong as ever. Last night, around 9pm, I spotted a Roe buck in a small patch of woodland. He was aware I was there but his attention was more focussed on marking his territory. You can read more about Roe buck behaviour on the British Deer Society Website. Thanks to the Roe buck, it was a fascinating evening. I returned home happy with photos, and tired having spent the evening outdoors making the most of the evening light and the warm air.