January’s weather continues to bite down. The low temperatures and snowfall impacted on Scottish travel and schools. The weather is not just in the news in Scotland, it’s causing havoc in other parts of the UK. Northern Ireland struggled with ungritted roads, and in Wales.
January and a pothole obstacle course
The weather in January has also created many hazards in the form of potholes. Drive along a stretch of road and you’re likely to be on the lookout for craters in tarmac. Some roads are worse than others. Worryingly, the damage to vehicles can stretch into hundreds of pounds. The AA reported, “the main pot-hole breakdowns were for punctures, wheel damage and suspension faults.”

January’s sunsets
At last, we had a glimpse of sunshine. Furthermore, it was a joy! Finally, waking up to bright blue skies and a frost earlier this week. The low winter January sunshine streamed in through the windows and gave a spring-like glow to the sky. Forest walks were warmed by the sun reaching through the trees, changing the light and boosting our vitamin D.

January’s weather inspiration
For the outdoors enthusiast, January’s weather can be a welcome lift and inspiration. Late after, as the sun set, the sky displayed a ray of warm pinks and soft, wispy cloud. The bright low afternoon sun was blinding. The red deer stags were silhouetted dark on the horizon as the sun dropped down behind the clouds.