Women in Wellies with Linda Mellor. Guest, Linda Mellor, enjoys a chat with Hannah and Charlotte in their popular twice-monthly podcast called ‘Women in Wellies’. The podcast explores working and living in rural Scotland. Linda shares her love of the outdoors, and how she developed her career leaving Scotland for London. At the age of 30, beating cancer also shaped her life and how a positive attitude supported her through three fights with the disease. Linda considers herself one of the increasingly fortunate women alive and well thanks to the early treatment of breast cancer.
Women in Wellies across Scotland
“Linda Mellor is a longstanding Scottish countryside and wildlife photographer, writer and author. Based in the Highlands, her lifelong love of the outdoors is the direct inspiration for daily life and work. Linda is a creator of rural words and images, and an advocate for countryside wellness and self care, nurturing creativity and reducing time on social media: get outdoors to self tune. Having started her professional life in recruitment in London, Linda’s life today couldn’t be further from the bright lights of the big city but with happiness at the core it’s quite the journey.
Join us as Linda takes us from her days headhunting, through not one but three cancer journeys, and how this strength, determination and self-belief have helped her navigate the path ahead and focus on happiness. Linda shares her love-hate relationship with social media, the challenges of self-employment through a global pandemic, how she responded to feeling the countryside was calling her, strong women who have inspired her and lots more.
Book Launch : ‘For the Love of Country Sports’ launches on Friday 30th June 2023 at 2pm in the Listen to the Land Tent, at the GWCT Scottish Game Fair at Scone. The launch is being sponsored by Fearann Eilean Iarmain Estate.”
Women in Wellies Podcast with Linda Mellor

If you would like to listen in to the podcast, you can do so from this link.