Barking bucks and roaring stags. Autumn is perhaps one of the most active times of the year in the Highlands. The overnight freezing temperatures have boosted the rut, and had made stags more active, certainly more vocal. I wrote, only a few days ago, the rut was fizzling out and hillside activity was minimal but after the below zero temperatures. Saturday and Sunday night/Monday morning saw our temperatures plummet, and in doing so, has injected more activity into the 2023 rut.
Barking bucks and roaring stags
The morning’s mist was an ideal sounding board for the sounds of nature. First thing, two roe bucks were disturbed in the thick mist and took off, barking their annoyance at me. The red deer stag roars echoed around Loch Rannoch, and were held in the mist. It was primal theme to the start of the new working week.