Spring and summer comparison. I guess it is something we all do if we live in a fixed location because we observe the land each time we are out and notice the changes. Let’s face it, there’s not much more changeable than the Scottish weather. The phrase, ‘Four seasons in one day’ was written for Scotland! As I write (7th June 2023) we are experiencing an unprecedented heatwave here in the Highlands, with temperatures exceeding 20C most days.
Seasonal change
Probably the biggest transformation we see in the landscape is moving from winter into spring. This transformation is swiftly followed by the progress from late spring into summer. Just look at the photograph below, this was taken in March when there were still some snowy patches on the hilltops. The burn water looks icy cold and the land is devoid of any shade on the green spectrum.
Spring and summer comparison
Of course, the natural world gets the changes quicker than we do. A few weeks ago I mentioned the red squirrels changing into their summer coats, and also the red deer.