Embracing October’s Autumn Palette. It is one of the most spectacular months for colour and change. The slow and steady approach of winter can be felt as our landscape wears a more muted seasonal palette. It’s a time of year when one of my favourite flowers colours the landscape a seasonally-matched deep orange. Bog asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) adds a rich orange to remote, wet landscapes.
Embracing October’s Autumn Palette
Each month I photograph my book, ‘For the Love of Country Sports’ in a landscape reflecting the seasonal changes. Today I was accompanied by our cocker spaniel, after a run, he took great delight in rolling around in the damp grass. My book photograph features a few stems of Bog asphodel. It’s a wildflower that’s hard to miss. The upright stems of bright orange grow in big numbers around and across the open moorland. The flower brings colour to a rather muted landscape now the heather has faded.