Over 55 self-employed. If you are over fifty five, self-employed and online, what is your favourite platform for business, and for work? An article in last week’s Saturday Telegraph (credit: photo of the graphic from the Saturday Telegraph) interested me. I felt, once again, rather bamboozled by the amount of social media platforms in use around the world. The statistics alone are incredible.
Over 55 years self-employed
The number of people using the internet around the world in 60 seconds is truly staggering. It is confusing. What platform is the best fit for you and your business. If you are over 55, and self employed, what platform do you use? I would love to hear from you.
From Statista: “As of July 2023, there were around 4.24 million self-employed workers in the United Kingdom.” They go on to say, “During this provided time-period, self-employment in the UK has grown steadily. From a low of just 3.2 million in December 2000, to a peak of over five million at the start of 2020.”
Over 55 years self employed in the UK
With high numbers using the internet and 4 million+ people self-employed, does this mean everyone is catered for online? Possibly not! Currently, I am on the lookout for business advice on being self-employed and post menopausal. Combine it with being over 55 years, rural, and self-employed and there really is much tailored support.