Lookout for Lyme Disease. Here in Scotland, ticks transmit Lyme disease (also known as Lyme borreliosis). Lyme disease is the most common disease carried by ticks but they also carry other diseases however these mainly affect animals. There is information on the Lyme Disease UK website.
Lookout for Lyme Disease
Ticks used to be a seasonal problem but now you constantly have to be on the lookout for them, as they are 365 days per year. Spending time outdoors increases your chances of being bitten by a tick but not all ticks are infected. If you have been bitten by a tick you will likely feel some irritation, and discover the tick. Ticks can be found on any area of your body. Remove it at once with a tick tool. Alternatively, if you haven’t got a tool or a tick removal card then use a pair of tweezers. It’s worth buying a few tick removal tools and keeping them in the car, a bag, and at home. If you notice a rash spreading out from the bite it could be a sign of Lyme disease. Contact your GP, and they will likely prescribe a course of antibiotics.
Lookout for Lyme Disease

I spend a lot of time outdoors, and recently, I picked up the latest tick (pictured) whilst fully covered picking wild raspberries. The tick was found on my forearm and quickly removed with a tick tool.